Meet our Acts Community Leaders, Billy & Joy Davis - married for nearly 15 years , Billy and Joy never “planned” to Pastor, yet this dynamic duo answered the call to lead the charge at The ACTs Community Church RVA - in humility and obedience to God. With a heart for real people living in a real world, this couple embodies a faith that's active, alive, and absolutely relatable. Pastor Billy, the rock of wisdom, blends humor, relatable analogies and hip vibes with deep spiritual insights. Joy, a marketing maven, understands first hand the need to push through purpose (and problems) in praise!

But what truly sets them apart is their unique style of leadership—rooted in the principles of God’s word, Jesus’ love and Spirit led, servant leadership. Billy and Joy are both approachable and empathetic, always lending an ear to listen, a shoulder to lean on, and a word of wisdom when needed. Don't mistake their warmth for a lack of drive, though; they're deeply committed to pushing you into your God-given purpose, encouraging you to live out your full potential in Christ - without compromise.

Together, they're not just preaching from the pulpit—they're living out the love and teachings of Jesus every single day. Whether you're exploring faith or have been walking with God for decades, The Davis’ make you feel right at home - so whether you're part of our in person family of faith - or - a member of our virtual online community, Pastors Billy and Joy lead with an undeniable warmth and attentive care that makes everyone in our community feel both seen and heard, near or far! At The Acts Community, there's always room at at the spiritual table

When they're not steering the ship at The ACTs Community Church RVA, Billy and Joy are all serving in the marketplace, nourishing the whole body—spirit, soul, and yes, even the stomach! Passionate advocates for ministry in the marketplace, they believe in integrating faith into every facet of life, from work to play. They're also big on the 'R&R'—that's 'Rest and Revelation.' Balancing work with divine downtime, they understand the importance of rest, recharging not just for themselves but advocating it for their community. (They allow for periodic Soul Care Sundays - when the congregation is encouraged to REST)

Outside of church affairs, you'll likely find them scouting out the next adventure destination or indulging in the latest foodie hotspot. Always in the company of beloved family and friends, they know that community and shared experiences are the spices of a life well-lived…with God and community!